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New Hub for Network Rail


Network Rail has agreed a ten-year lease at IM Properties’ industrial and distribution scheme The Hub in Birmingham. The new 30,000 sq ft facility, known as Hub 30, will provide storage and distribution space for Network Rail’s design and civils delivery team. The unit will also provide the space to teach young apprentices the skills and techniques associated with maintaining its portfolio of masonry assets, many of which are heritage structures.

Glen Lamont, property and facilities manager at Network Rail, said: "The new building will provide modern facilities to meet the growing needs of our internal brickwork, design and civils delivery team. It will also provide much needed storage space for our heritage brick stocks and equipment, something that has been lacking at our current facility and provide the space required to properly train a new cohort of young apprentices."

Richard Sykes, development manager for IM Properties, added: "We’re actively promoting training and skills in construction on all of our new schemes coming forward, so it is pleasing that Hub 30 will provide Network Rail with the space to conduct training for young people, particularly post pandemic. Being centrally located, just three miles north of the city centre and adjacent to Witton Train station, The Hub is well connected by both road and rail. It fulfills Network Rail’s requirement for connectivity for distribution, as well as convenience for employees and apprentices."

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